Proper documentation of Daily Briefing
Уважаеми клиенти, Както обещахме и в това издание продължаваме темата за коректно документиране на различните видове инструктажи, като тук по-конкретно ще се спрем на правилно
Уважаеми клиенти, Както обещахме и в това издание продължаваме темата за коректно документиране на различните видове инструктажи, като тук по-конкретно ще се спрем на правилно
Както обещахме и в това издание продължаваме темата за правилно документиране на периодичен инструктаж в различните му видове и често допускани грешки при провеждането. Наред е периодичният
Amendments in the Labor Code (LC), effective as from 01.08.2022. We made a synthesized statement regarding the amendments in the Labor Code (LC), effective as from
As promised, in this issue we continue the topic of proper documentation of different types of briefings and the frequent mistakes in their conduct...
Dear clients, We receive a lot of questions in respect to the conduct and documentation of briefings, so in the next few editions, we will address the topic of proper documentation of various types of briefings and common mistakes in their conduct.
We find it important that you are aware of the operational objectives that the Executive Agency General Labor Inspectorate shall pursue in 2022, which are as follows: Operational objective No 1: To exercise efficient control over
Dear customers, Please be kindly reminded that in accordance with article 315 of the Labour Code, an employer with more than 50 workers and employees shall be obliged to provide annually jobs suitable for reassignment of disabled persons.
With a view to preventing any harmful consequences in case of extraordinary events and considering the business specificity and size of companies, in pursuance of Article 20(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers:
In the month dedicated to breast cancer screening, we are going to give you first the good news — breast cancer is curable!
Taking care of our staff, retaining our skilled workforce, protecting everyone's health - these are the key priorities of managers in the current Covid situation.
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