Occupational health service

We offer a range of services for our clients in the area of occupational health, including:

Consultations and assistance to Employers who want to conduct preliminary medical examinations for their staff.

Providing expert advice to employers so they can understand which members of staff need mandatory medical examinations and identifying specialists to carry out the tests.

Participating in investigations of occupational diseases and accidents at work.

Profiling working conditions, workplaces and their risks to draw up schemes for risk evaluation.

Evaluating risks in the workplace and the safety of all employees and proposing measures for risk prevention, elimination or reduction.

Measuring specific working environment factors e.g. noise levels.

Developing recommendations for the re-organization of labor for personnel with special protection needs.

Consulting services

To ensure we meet all the specific needs of your business, we propose comprehensive professional solutions in all fields related to health and safety at work, including:

- Monitoring changes in the statutory laws which regulate healthy and safe working conditions and notifying Employers about changes

- Assistance to Employers in formulating rules and instructions to be followed within the company to guarantee healthy and safe working conditions

- Providing Employees with individual advice and information regarding health and safety at work including guidance on how to follow workplace rules

- Supporting internal committees and groups who are responsible for health safety in the implementation of their activities

- Guaranteeing assistance to Employers during the application and fulfillment of all instructions from Control Authorities