Health and safety training

H&S holds face trainings as well as E-LEARNING according to preliminary prepared training programmes coordinated with the customers, as follows:
Training on working conditions for managerial personnel and internal committees/groups.

Training in health and safety at work for officials/bodies directly subordinated to Employers, assigned to significant functions within the corporate system for the management and organization of provisions related to safe working conditions.

Training in rights, obligations and responsibilities of the participants in the working process, connected with ensuring healthy and safe work conditions.

Training of the Employees, concerning questions of labor traumatic, occupational morbility and work related diseases.

Training for each Worker in first aid procedures, self aid and mutual aid with regard to the specific hazards of each workplace.

Organizing the training of qualified groups assigned to electric power safety, by issuing a certificate for every successfully test past participant.


Creating user account (username and password for access) for each person, subject to training on the norms for ensuring health and safety work conditions;

Access to the Е-LEARNING system – minimum 1 week from creating each user account;

Helping the students – advice and help on the operative work with the system over the phone and other channels – e-mail or skype of the student;

Providing each student with a certificate for successfully passed training;